Kundalini Serpent Goddess: Rising
From The Borderlands (eBOOK)
Author I
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“Atma Chanan has a caring, supportive, and nurturing way of teaching. She’s a dear sister and her book had a powerful impact on my life. It touched me deeply as a woman, and her family stories opened my heart. I feel I’m back at home in my soul and innocence.
Johanna Waltz, Yoga Teacher and healer. Founder of Soul Journeys, Santa Fe, New Mexico.
“Astonishing and Awakening! Karin’s narrative is profound, setting herself on a path of spiritual connection to feminine “ Shakti” power, as well as mythical characters as she relies on anthropological and archeological findings that spur her imagination"
Ruth Figueroa, Yoga Professor, Wellness & Holistic Travel Coach.
"Atma Chanan is a truth seeker, as she brings forth her African and Indigenous ancestors in this revealing story of her family history. She brings in consciousness with grace and delight. And she acknowledges the truth that has been denied for centuries in Latin America--the African and Indigenous legacies that today are so meaningful for the awakening of the planet."
Celia, Teacher, Albion, California.
“An epic journey turning pain into power. From analytical to intuitive, fear to faith, powerless to powerful, loss to gain, professor to yoga teacher. Karin releases the conditioning of her past to heal the trauma of society’s handcuffs on women. She is the Phoenix rising, a Goddess Warrior who embodies the balance of being feminine, fierce, and focused.”
Sierra Bender
Author of Goddess to the Core, creator of the clinically proven 4Body FitTM Sierra Bender Empowerment Method.
Karin beautifully intertwines photographs and different voices through time as well as several places and cultures that remind me of the novel, Rayuela by Julio Cortázar. Her dynamite twists for action offer an insightful look into her social and spiritual life that is moving and inspiring, and make her story unique and valuable—for ages to come.”
Ruth Figueroa, Yoga Professor, Wellness & Holistic Travel Coach.
“This memoir takes us into an intimate, unique, and fascinating journey with the author, through a lifetime of challenge, dedication, crisis, and self-evolution, bearing witness to Karin’s courage, resilience, and ultimate healing, as she came to experience the Adi Shakti within the depths of her humanity.”
Sangeet Kaur KhalsaSikh
Dharma Minister, Editor, and Kirtan Musician.
“Written with compassion, humility, and insight, this memoir affirms the value of our borderland ancestors to healing and remembering ourselves. Karin’s internal and external journeys in our Américas make up a travelogue of the soul towards its destiny as it re-encounters and rebuilds the body, bridging us back from our spiritual exiles.”
Carlos Ulises Decena Professor of Sociology at Rutgers University, author of Tacit Subjects and Circuits of the Sacred.
Story after story, she delightfully engages the reader — as herself and the character, Kundalini Serpent Goddess become the same.”
Jessica Rodriguez LMT, Bodyworker, RMT, Wholistic Therapist Yoga Teacher, Founder of The Core StarMoonSky Universal Healing
“This is my first experience with Kundalini Yoga. It’s been an opening to a new world and a new beginning for me. I take away more tools for a better life. Atma is a great teacher, practical, modern, and simple. Thank you!”
Giselle, Herbal Healer and Women’s Circles/Holistic Events Coordinator.
Kundalini Serpent Goddess : Rising from the Borderlands Memoir [Print Replica] Kindle Edition
Kundalini Serpent Goddess: Rising from the Borderlands is the memoir of a former college professor of Sociology turned into a Kundalini Yoga Teacher, and her struggle in overcoming chronic pain and fibromyalgia—a disease that affects more than 10 million people in the United States, ninety percent of whom are women. Originally from Buenos Aires, Argentina, Karin bridges many cultures in her quest for home after having lived in New York City, the East Coast, Dominican Republic, California and Puerto Rico. Without losing her feminine essence and connection to Spirit, her narrative takes us deep into chronicles of Tupi-Guarani gaucho life, immigrant life in the Borderlands, Indigenous and Yoruba Goddess archetypes, and shamanic journeys.
She develops an otherworldly ecofeminism, debunking our current ideas about patriarchal Christianity, Western Medicine, and the role of women in society, and articulates a new vision for Mother Earth that reflects back our global life transition into the new paradigm of the Aquarian Age. Dealing with rejection, illness, patriarchy and neo-colonialism, Karin triumphs in embracing her own Shakti power and feminine spirituality and facing the shadow of her mixed background, liberating her family’s ancestral trauma rooted in patriarchy, oppression and colonization.
Since she was a child, Karin was connected to a Serpent Goddess that grew out of her imagination. As an adult woman navigating her own demons, the Serpent demands Karin tells her truth in order to heal. Together, they unraveled family secrets and forge new relationships with other Latina immigrant women that become a testament to the resilience of the human spirit. Karin becomes the heroine of her inner and outer worlds, unveiling white privilege in Latin American families, the hardships of immigrant life in the United States, and the denial of Womb Medicine across female lineages, and finds her way back to the one religion that united the world in a spirituality that celebrated Creation. After many challenges, she’s ready to embrace the wisdom and knowledge readily available to all yogis and women since ancient times, unearthing women’s spiritual connection to Earth and the unique feminine understanding of the mysteries of life and death for humanity’s healing and transformation.