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SoulHeart Yoga Academy grew out of people's need for access to a technology that works for everyone and has quick and effective results for a busy world. Looking for ways to improve their health, people begin to practice yoga, and meditation and notice the results right away. They notice improvements in their nervous, hormonal, and immune systems; they feel stronger, immersing themselves in yoga ancient practices. We offer you the opportunity to try it for yourself and become part of a global community of kundalini yoga practitioners you’ll never imagine possible, as we collaborate and partner with our graduate-certified teachers, students, trainers, healers, and many more. Soon you too will want to spread this technology and become part of our school, SoulHeartYoga Academy, a space for everyone to heal themselves. We’re waiting for you!

From this transformative experience, SoulHeart Yoga Academy is born, offering a combination of healing modalities for body relaxation and mental clarity bringing together the wisdom of ancient traditions: Ayurvedic Lifestyle, Yoga Science & Tantric Techniques, the three pillars of Eastern philosophy covering Nutrition, Breath in Movement, Connection, Caliber & Authenticity. Our school is a safe container for you to experience awakening and self-healing. 

Kundalini Yoga & Meditation is our backbone because it helps to balance all physical, mental, and emotional systems, including your nerves and glands, bringing balance and building your core strength from the inside out. It relies on repetitive movement and breath patterns that anyone, with or without yoga experience, can follow. Our ultimate goal is to awaken the light of your wisdom for success and radiance. They are accessible to all because we believe it’s our birthright to heal ourselves, love each other, and connect from our true essence.

SoulHeartYoga Academy 

Atma Chanan Kaur, Ph.D (Karin) is a Master Reiki and a Kundalini Yoga and Meditation Trainer at KRI’s Aquarian Training Academy. Born in Buenos Aires, she teaches in Argentina, Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, New Mexico, and California, where she currently lives. She’s also a holistic and spiritual coach and her passion is to teach others to explore their inner light and creativity from the radical acceptance of oneself.

She is the author of books and articles on gender and migration, global culture as well as religion and philosophy, and brings to her practice an array of energetic and healing tools like Mindfulness, Reiki, Yoga Therapy for Women, Womb Medicine & Ancestral Healing, as well as Somatic Therapies, Tantra, and the Science of Kundalini Awakening. Her gift is to meet you right where you’re in your journey and propel you forward!

She’s certified by the Kundalini Research Institute (KRI), the 4Body Fit Sierra Bender Empowerment Method, SuperHealth Immersion to Break Habits & Addictive Behaviors, The Embody Lab Integrative Somatic Trauma Therapy program, and holds two ministries, from Sikh Dharma International and the Seven Sisters Mystery School. Her recent memoir book, Kundalini Serpent Goddess: Rising from the Borderlands is now available on Amazon.

Book a Private Coaching Session with Atma Chanan and together create a Road Map to ignite one of the four journeys she's offering to you. Atma Chanan uses a Holistic Approach, and within a short time, you’ll begin to notice grea transformation in your body, mind and spirit. Enroll in our membership and have access to courses you can do at your own pace!

SoulHeartYoga Academy FOUNDER


SoulheartYoga and Melassa Foundation Grassroots Collaboration

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world,” Margaret Mead

Melassa is non-profit organization, founded in 2001, dedicated to bring social awareness in Latin American and Latino communities, as well as a space to bridge people across border lines. Their philosophy is based on inclusion and unity, while exploring all American identities and ancestral lineages–African, Native American, and European; Eastern/Western Cosmologies.

SoulHeartYoga Academy partners with Melassa Foundation offering social justice and wellness trips with activists, professors, school teachers, musicians, healers, as well as non-profit organizations and communities. Depending on the theme of each trip, SoulHeartYoga and Melassa will design an agenda of heartfelt activities, and provide lodging, ground transportation, two meals a day, and do all the logistics for you to visit museums, outings, exchange with local people and organizations, and participate in local grassroots and music events. 

Each visit is tied to a wealth of cultural knowledge, historical significance, inclusion, combined with other fun and relaxing activities.

Travel with us and immerse yourself in a cultural experience by the ocean shores of Santo Domingo, a city that was declared oral patrimony for the humanity by the United Nations for its musical traditions and Old Colonial City. Its historical richness reveals itself in the warmth of the local people and magnificent nature sites.

Meet with activists, professors, school teachers and children, state officials and educators, and share each other’s knowledges in a constructive, learning environment. Witness how the social history of the Americas and its political syncretism have impacted our families and our ancestral lineages, and practice how to be a “cultural ally” while exploring the intersections where history has brought us together or set us apart.

In August of 2021, SoulHeartYoga joined SaberAmar in the initiative to bring Kundalini Yoga to community contexts, and train students interested in taking this technology to their work environments, parks, friends and families, foundations, Seva projects, and more. After three in-person retreats and many Zoom classes, eight students graduated this past April 2022 from our 50-hour Certification program. Half of them moved on to the 200-hr Certification program and many of them are currently teaching. A big thanks to Carmen Julia Carrasco, co-founder of Saber Amar and yoga teacher for many years who brought this group together along with Atma Chanan Kaur who facilitated the training and put together the curriculum for the first Level 1 Teacher's Training in the Dominican Republic.

Collaboration with Saber Amar Foundation

Supporting Team at SouHeartYoga Academy.jpg

Supporting Team
Of Our Graduates.

Testimonials: Voices of Transformation

 “Atma Chanan is deep, wise, very kind, and practical. What we learn from working with her can be used to improve your life immediately! If you feel called to do so, I suggest getting every opportunity to take her wonderful, pleasurable training!” 


Siri Gian Singh Khalsa, Yoga Teacher, and Reichian Therapist.

Testimonials: Voices of Transformation

“Kundalini Yoga opened my senses to a divine realm, and I connected with my Spirit. I believe it’s the faster path to self-realization”


María Esperanza, Social Worker.

Testimonials: Voices of Transformation

“What a beautiful world, nurtured by practices that elevate our vibration. Grateful for the new learnings."


Raisa Gil, Meditation Teacher. 

Testimonials: Voices of Transformation

“I wanted to learn more about the social issues of my own country while immersing myself in its food, music, and dance. I was touched by the activists we met, their passion, enthusiasm, and desire to help bring harmony and solidarity.”


Rutgers University student, New Jersey

Testimonials: Voices of Transformation

“It was a visceral experience, from the power of vibration to the mantras, the Gong, and all the practices. It was an opening of my consciousness and my chakras.”

Nicolás Hernández, Entrepreneur.

Testimonials: Voices of Transformation

“This was a powerful and beautiful weekend filled with practical ways to integrate Kundalini and Tantra energies into one’s life. Amazing teachers, and a magical community of participants.”  


Tess Selzer, School Teacher.

Testimonials: Voices of Transformation

“It’s been a unique experience to unify the senses with Spirit, God, the Divine.”


Wilson Sosa, Architect.

Testimonials: Voices of Transformation

“I feel so grateful, blessed, and lucky to be able to share with wonderful people in this retreat. Thank you to Atma Chanan, a unique teacher with radiant grace. I take love, integration, connection, and spirituality.”


Daniel Rodriguez, Engineer. 

Testimonials: Voices of Transformation

“The most effective part of the workshop was the yoga relaxation followed by interactions with partners. It helped me to look at fear, love and joy in relationships.”


Marcy, Caregiver, Fort Bragg, California

Testimonials: Voices of Transformation

“Atma Chanan created a comfortable, safe place to explore Kundalini Yoga and Meditation. It increased my interest and confidence in the practice. I felt safe, and relaxed.”

Mayaan, Santa Rosa, California

Graduada en Administracion, y con un Post Grado en Negocios, el vacio que sentia mi alma a pesar de esos logros fue inspiracion para adentrarme en la busqueda y el auto conocimiento certificada como Terapeuta en Alineacion de Centros Energeticos, técnica de liberacion emocional EFT Tapping, y Reiki Usui, además de estar certificada e 200 hr avalada por KRI, de la mano de SoulHeartYoga y Saber Amar como Instructora de Kundalini Yoga Y Meditación en la Aquarian Training Academy de KRI. Creo firmemente que la verdadera Transformacion ocurre cuando tomamos la valentia de escoger el camino del Auto Conocimiento, y la Auto Sanacion. Hoy mi pasion y proposito de vida es difundir las enseñanzas de la Tecnologia Kundalini, y acompañar a otras personas a sanar e ir mas adentro de ellos mismos, construir un Sistema Nervioso equilibrado, lo cual nos regala cada Practica de Kundalini Yoga.

Our Graduates 🎓👩‍🎓
Phone No.: 829.4617201 

Mi nombre es Ángela, soy Maestra de Kundalini Yoga y Meditación, certificada por la Aquarian Training Academy de KRY, avalada por Yoga Alliance, nacida en República Dominicana, también soy abogada de profesión y mi campo laboral es en el área de protección a los derechos de la niñez y la mujer, lo cual es mi pasión, poder aportar para que estas poblaciones vulnerables (mujeres y niños) no sean víctimas de maltrato y abusos. Ser maestra Kundalini para mí es un honor pues me ha llevado a un estado de conciencia en desarrollo, ha iluminado mi existencia, y me ha enseñado a conocerme y superar mi dualidad. Como maestra me entrego a enseñar esta maravillosa tecnología con amor y responsabilidad, respetando tal y como me fue enseñado por mis maestras y maestros.

Our Graduates 🎓👩‍🎓

Después de muchos años practicando y enseñando yoga, Adele Williams conoció Yoga Kundalini en retiro celebrado en marzo del 20201. Inspirada por la técnica, ella completó una certificación de 50 horas en 2022 organizado por Soul Heart Yoga y Saber Amar. En 2023 se certificó como instructora de Kundalini Yoga y Meditación de 200 horas con las mismas organizaciones, con el fin de compartir su pasión por yoga Kundalini con otros. Ella imparte clases de manera regular bajo la modalidad Yoga para Todos y ha presentado clases en eventos de yoga y salud holística.

Our Graduates 🎓👩‍🎓


Isabel Cristina Ventura Rodriguez At SoulHeartYogaAcademy _edited.jpg

Our Graduates 🎓👩‍🎓

Isabel Cristina Ventura Rodríguez, de República Dominicana.
Licenciada en  Administración de Empresas, Postgrado en
Profesora de Hatha Yoga certificada por Institute for Holistic Yoga, Stayananda Yoga , Miami Florida y Centro de Yoga Integral Satyananda, Republica Dominican, certificada Yoga
Kundalini, 200 horas por el Instituto de Investigación Kundalini
(KRI), SoulHeart Yoga Academy, Saber Amar y Yoga Alliance. Esmiembro  de la junta directiva   de la Fundación Saber Amar, para el desarrollo comunitario y desarrollo personal. Además tiene
formaciones en Sonido Terapia del Gong por la Escuela Adi Naad en México, y Yoga para Embarazadas por la Escuela Yoga Sangha, República Dominicana. Cree fielmente en que la
tecnología del Yoga Kundalini da salud, paz y bienestar espiritual a quienes los practican, por eso enseñar con compromiso y dedicación. Su pasión es sonreír y enseñar la tecnología de
yoga Kundalini con compromiso y amor, honrando a los maestros que nos dejaron estas enseñanzas.


Phone No.: 809-330-8502

Julissa Castro Terrero, conocida como Hari Jivani DD, inició su viaje en el camino de la devoción yoguica en 2001. Sin embargo, su verdadera transformación comenzó en 2021 cuando descubrió el yoga Kundalini. Impulsada por esta disciplina, se embarcó en un camino hacia la certificación como instructora de Kundalini de la mano de Soul Heart Yoga & Saber Amar. En 2022 completó su certificación de 50 horas y desde entonces ha sido instructora cada sábado en Saber Amar, compartiendo su pasión por el Kundalini y guiando a otros en su camino hacia la transformación y la conexión espiritual.

Our Graduates 🎓👩‍🎓
Phone No.: 8492676518 y 8098576518 

Stay In touch... Download your FREE GIFT (a PDF with 4 meditations in English or Spanish)

Workshops and Events: 
Membership and Classes:

+1 (707) 472-8212

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